Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Wolske Bay Christmas Island of Wonder 2021-2022 part three

Check out part 2 if you haven't caught up to this months long secret project.   So the 3M club got the go ahead from the City of Menomonie to do their Christmas even on December 11, 2021.  This one day event featured a lot of lights hung up by that wonderful group and the plan was to leave them up through the holidays for the rest of everyone else to enjoy.

But before that could happen, Mayor Randy Knaack had to clear up his garbage piles, finally remove his algae mixer device after over 6 years of free storage, and the strange pile of bikes and other items  that Mayor Randy Knaack was storing (for free) in the old bait shop.   (Who questionably trimmed the trees here remains unknown but so far, one tree has succumbed to the wind with one of the older, larger pines currently showing signs of potential uprooting.)

After a long time, stumps were finally removed by the city, but Mayor Randy Knaack's budget probably had things like this not a priority for the every day people.  But the 3M was coming....

The interior space of the old bait shop was cleaned up, painted.....

Wolske Bay Park began to be decorated with lights, some of the decorations went against the normal city code when attaching to city park infrastructure or landscaping but when the rules and regulations don't apply when Mayor Randy Knaack is around.


The December 11, 2021 3M even occurred and the lights were left up for everyone to enjoy.  Most people don't get out in Menomonie in general, most won't go farther than they can park their car. Questions abounded on the light display, no one knew what was happening, who was doing it, or if anyone could go into the public park.

Of course, this is a public park but the entry definitely created a "gated" event, especially to those who don't make their own fun and use and enjoy Menomonie's great many parks.

Soon, a cleared ice area appeared with landscaping added to the park well after the holidays were over. 

Different items began getting moved around and brought down to Wolske Bay Park, well after the holidays were over....

Such confusion on the light display prompted extra signage indicating YOU, the public, were WELCOME in YOUR city's public park.

Then out of the blue creepy handwritten signs began to appear indicating the "warming house open."

New signs were everywhere.

People associated with the Christmas Miracle Winterwonderland and Mayor Randy Knaack began to appear well after the holidays were over....

Confusion abounded as sketchy people seemed to be operating a bonfire area near the concrete pad and no one could quite figure what was going on and the City of Menomonie was not giving out any information as this group of people seemed to be taking over from the Christmas Miracle Winterwonderland group up the road at 802 Tainter Street.

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