Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Wolske Bay Christmas Island of Wonder 2021-2022 part two

You should start with the first half of the year of 2021 before continuing farther.  In this second part we will continue to look at the Mayor Randy Knaack's secret theft of a public park for his own personal use and perpetual in-office campaign activities.

First off we should glance at the north bay of Wolske Bay Park.  The picture below is what was finally dredged by Mayor Randy Knaack in 2016 after years of political intimidation and unsavory efforts to simply replace the Menomonie City Council with people who were willing to vote for whatever he wanted to do.  Mayor Randy Knaack does not like people telling him he can't spend the public's money in foolish and wasteful ways and has often slandered Menomonie City Council members while out and about as nothing more than "roadblocks" to his own personal agenda and vision.

Here, in this 2021 photo, there is no noticeable difference than in 2016 or before dredging.  In fact, this is some of the good green coverage that is need here.  Unlike other years, however, minimal duckweed was observed.

The wood pile was slowly added to and the garbage pile near the old bait shop was finally cleared out after months of sitting around.

Mayor Randy Knaack still had his mixing device that had been sitting here since 2015.  Mayor Randy Knaack expects to have things done for free for him in general.  One of the people approached to build Mayor Randy Knaack's scumsucker 2000 initially even had plans drawn up but then found out he wasn't going to get paid.  Mayor Randy Knaack commenced with slandering this individual immediately.  The Mayors 2015 mixer device was stored "rent free" in a public park for over 6 years. 

This was the point of the season where the cyanobacteria start to become more abundant in the environment.

 Of course, the geese mentioned in the first part of this series are here at this point.  The goose droppings of course were able to accumulate with the large amount of geese undeterred and unafraid to take advantage of the open shoreline.

The wood pile was placed directly on the grass, violating another line in the city code, but Mayor Randy Knaack is above the law.

The city parks department had a harder time mowing around Mayor Randy Knaack's "donations" all summer 2021.

The bikes and other items were slowly being added into the old bait shop.  At one point, Mayor Randy Knaack set up homeless people within this space.

The north bay was easily overcome, despite the expensive solarbee and dredging.

An original nutrient and runoff pollution source pointed out nearly 20 years ago easily feeds the blue-green algae as they start to grow in abundance.  Mayor Randy Knaack could have spent the Stormwater Utility Fund wisely and taken care of this issue before digging the $550,000 portion of the western road bay also seen below but like typical Mayor Randy Knaack, he is not known for being a good decision maker.

The north bay is worse than ever as the season progresses.

Mayor Randy Knaacks marshmallow fire ring is mowed around as best as can be but looks horrible.

The north bay turns blue.  The worst smell in a decade permeates the local neighborhood.  The traditional cyanobacterial decay odor is very strong but the new odor of raw sewage joins the mix to the detriment of residents nearby.  No one holds Mayor Randy Knaack accountable for making it worse and wasting a lot of money.

Mayor Randy Knaack knows he didn't solve anything at this point and in secret and illegal action tries to create some sort of device to quickly try and move the water.  Mayor Randy Knaack couldn't figure out his dumb dredging idea wasn't going to create any additional water movement before he did and now he is faced with a heavier counter-current with more water mass that needs to move. 

Mayor Randy Knaack continues to fluff up his campfire staging while as he hangs out at the bars in Menomonie and tries to fit into political and social meetings around the city, county, and state, he falsely claims that "the lake is fixed."

At this point, Mayor Randy Knaack starts adding more used bicycles into the old bait shop along with other items.  The homeless people are living out of a vehicle parked for weeks in the parking lot area that the Menomonie Police Department seem to not notice.

As we move passed the fall colors season, a flurry of secret activity starts to take place at Wolske Bay Park.  The red van is also seen at the Christmas Miracle Winterwonderland/ Integrity Auto run ice rink area while work is being done on the little gingerbread house.

Random items are strewn about the park for weeks while the contents of the old bait shop are tossed outside the building.

All the bikes and chairs pulled out of the old bait shop.

If you had not been paying attention you would have never noticed the exterior of the old bait shop had been painted secretly.  At this point, no on at the City of Menomonie knew what was happening here.

The icicles on the fascia of the old bait shop is where we will leave off for now.  This is the point in history where the 3M Community Club even is going to come into play....sort of. 

The attempted Christmas Miracle Winterwonderland group takeover of the park in the background  will also be mentioned through out. 

Of course, there's this "mayoral invitation" announced from a local and skilled photographer who has been photographing Wolske Bay for many years.  This is on November 14, 2021.  No mention of the 3M Community Club private for employee company event. 

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