Sunday, January 5, 2020

Then, now, and then what?

Creating a lake. 

The old "mill pond" just wasn't a well-enough feature for the company town that the company was leaving.

While the Knapp, Stout, and Co. was present we know that Wilson Creek and Riverside park were popular locations, as well as "point comfort" before there was a road access down there.  Likely, Evergreen cemetery was used as a park, too, this would be in that period where cemeteries had different meaning before the modern death industry and the more modern "public park" and recreation spaces were in existence.    Who would have thought a multi-million dollar water park would be in existence back in 1902 in Menomonie?

A lesser mentioned park, the "pond bank park" appears alongside Riverside park for funding early in Menomonie history.   We have to wonder if the names were simply called what they are because of what they are, "riverside" and "pond bank?"   

But no such "mill pond" for Menomonie, as Senator Stout declared the slightly raised level "a lake."

But what is a lake?   Like most words, each individuals experiences and expectations come with a varied defintion.

Some definitions but this one seems fitting:

Definition of lake
: a considerable inland body of standing water also : a pool of other liquid (such as lava, oil, or pitch)

Size, shape, depth, use, and a host of other criteria a not present in the definition.

So, we have a lake.

Since 1958 Menomonie has had a big, upgraded lake.  So, where are those who pushed for the raising in Menomonie at on their opinion of their modern creation?

What would the citizens of Menomonie from the first half of the 20th century think of the new direction from their humble "mill pond" upgrade?

Where next?

More roads?  More encroachment?   More dredging?

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